Zachary Williams
2 min readMar 26, 2021


REST stands for REpresentation State Transfer and relates to Create Read Update and Delete(CRUD) in reference to actions and routing on a webpage to a server. It allows a single URL to have multiple functions based on the action it is executing. Those actions are GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, and DELETE. GET is used to retrieve or Read data from a server and is the default action in a link or http request. If the URL has an ID it will return a single resource. Otherwise it will return the entire index. The next action is POST. It is used to Create a new resource in an index and is used without an ID. After that is the PUT or PATCH action. PUT will update a whole resource using a specific ID in the URL. PATCH will Update part of a specific resource also using an ID in the URL. The final action is DELETE. It too uses an ID in the URL and is used to destroy a resource in an index. These actions encompass every behavior you can execute on the web and allows developer to easily understand how data will flow through an application.

In my second phase of my coding bootcamp course at Flatiron School I used REST to design an application called Bridge for cyclist/users to Create, Read, Update, and Delete group rides. First I built the models for the users and rides. Then I built out the controllers to create users and manipulate the data created by users. I also needed to validate user and ensure they were only able to manipulate their own data. Finally I was able to build out the view for the user to see and interact with the app. Overall, I really enjoyed the experience and I am beginning to feel like true software developer. I also learned that I enjoy working on the backend much more than the front but I am excited to learn more about front end development and user interface design.

